Archive | July 2014

Does religion breed bigots or do bigots hide behind religion?

Read this:

Some bakers in Northern Ireland say they won’t bake a Bert and Ernie cake for a gay couple as it’s out of line with their beliefs, given to them by the bible. This begs a question – does religion create bigots or do people who are bigoted use religion as an excuse for their ideals?

Personally speaking, I’m not religious. The bible has a giant in it and contradicts itself so often as to be disregardable. I’ve read a fair chunk of it to understand where people are coming from but cannot see how it could encourage you to devote your life to it or those people depicted.

I’m of the mind that you should treat others the way you want to be treated. Be nice to people, understand their point of view and consider if your views are what you truly believe or what you’ve been told.

Just bake the cake and make people happy. What would Jesus do?